New York City 1948


an enemy made

Sometimes liberals really piss me off. Conservative, right winger, christian coalition creeps always piss me off. But now the left has made an enemy of me as well.

What is their effrontery?

They are attempting to ban dodgeball in grade schools across America. Reason - it creates an antagonistic atmosphere, and children feel left out as the more physically dominant ones always do better. They want games where everybody participates equally and everybody wins.

What a steaming heap of fertilizer. Lets make children think that everybody wants to share, and play nice, and that every situation has a positive outcome for everybody involved. Then push them out into the world, as junior pussies, not even full fledged pussies, half nellies. So they'll get chewed up by people that grew up in the real world. Lets just let them keep all those pent up frustrations boiling, till they come to school in black trench coats and duffle bags full of high powered automatic weapons to kill everybody in sight. Fucking limp noodle liberal bullshit.

Same fuckers (didn't realize it then) that made all the public schools switch from the fun little compact red rubber balls, to the big blousy foam balls for our dodgeball games. Took the fun factor of the game from the one thing we looked forward to all day long, to the equivalent of a field trip to the opera house. Joyless politically correct wet blanket wimp-ass meddling granola whores. Go ruin the fun in your own lives and leave these doomed children alone. Its bad enough that we are leaving them a toilet to survive in. Least we can do is let them harmlessly pelt each other for a while.

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