New York City 1948

12:59 p.m.-2001-04-20

spicy little devil

Newest science geek thing I'm digging. Scoville units. It is a measurement of how hot chili peppers are. Developed by a guy name Scoville (duh) and he determined the heat of chilis by adding sugar to a solution until one can no longer taste the pepper. The more sugar, the higher the spice, the greater measurement in Scoville units.

Jalapenos have 1,000 to 4,500 Scoville units. Cayenne has 35,000. Tabasco 30,000 to 50,000. And the mack daddy of spiciness the Habenero hovers around 200,000 to 300,000. I say goddamn. That'll melt your teeth. It actually has caused some to go into cardiac arrest. One bad ass vegetable.

I like when my mouth is on fire and my lips are glowing bright red. Spicy food breaks up the clogs in my head. Seems to make me see better, or maybe it just forces me to focus and concentrate. Myumm myumm myumm I love fiery cuisine. I even like the burning bunghole the next day. Bring the fire I can take it. Capsicum is my buddy.

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