New York City 1948

3:04 p.m.-2002-02-14

cupid's cousin

Another valentines passes without the headline "Scientists Unveil Chocolate Semen Retrogenetics". I've ranted about this before. Basically it is my firm belief that all the world's problems could be quelched if the scientific community focused their research energies on developing a proceedure that made men produce a rich creamy chocolate pudding in their balls. Men would be too exhausted from countless demands to ejaculate to continue to fuck the world up with all of our business and warfare activities. Women could finally view us as the rutting spunk distributors we were meant to be, and could get over trying to understand us. I've got my career ending sites on you Oprah Winfrey. As stated before the cocoa honk would have to retain its fat trapping nature. I'm not insane ( just slightly embued with crazy ) or attempting to trick women into going on semen devouring binges. Look it up in some reputed medical or scientific journals, semen burns fat. However seeing as a load often tastes somewhere between bleach tinted wallpaper paste and liqufied aged clam with a side of blue cheese, I understand not wanting to partake. Alas, I am not in charge to force R&D funding to go towards an appetizing spunk universe.

For all the boys out there. Earn your red wings on this greeting card industry induced holiday. Your menstruating partner would benefit greatly from a few cramp reducing orgasms. Besides, your not complete till you can recount a tale of murder scene sex. It all comes out in the wash anyway, you pussy. Dive in the crimson pool if your man enough, bitch.

For all the chick's out there. Unleash your anal hunger on this egregiously calendar memory taxing male guilt fest. Trust me, the way to your man's heart isn't through his stomach, its through your ass. If you subscribe to the special occasion blowjob theory, then stop reading now, I mean it, leave my journal now. Mutual oral sex should flow freely like the Nile. A special occasion trip up the Hershey highway is a true gift. Most guys really only want to do it once anyway for locker room bragging rights. Besides you might find a new pleasure orifice that you've been denying your crave center all this time. Visit a butt banging tips website immediately and get ready for a rump roaring good time tonight.

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