New York City 1948

2:02 p.m.-2002-06-13

rambling thickness

Waddling weeble wobble bags of snacks, get out of my way. Sole purpose in life is to be an obstacle to the worker ants like me, you dunder headed mounds of molasses. A pedestrian traffic commission should be instated in NYC. Distribute cattle prods to New Yorkers. Zap! Move mutton chops, move!

Somewhat frustrated by the rambling thickness, I was in no mood to deal with banker idiots in the elevator bay. Instantly could smell creditor asshole on the trio of golf shirt and permenant press slack wearing gawkers. That's correct you penny loafer, I can come to work looking like I just came from band practice. Only jealous that you can't let loose and stride on in with your day-glo orange tiger print drawcord nylon pants, white New Balance cross trainers, and whatever suburban inspired logo t-shirt that came with the two bags of charcoal purchased from Costco. Lick the Lower East Side dust off my Puma's and sniff the butt seam of my black jeans.

Should just move all the banks to Jersey since every fiduciary administator dickwad lives there.


Sleep was interrupted to have digital cable installed. Gestapo tactics from Time Warner. You want HBO? Well, while we reconfigure all of our cables to the new digital stuff, we are gonna march on in over three hundred channels down your esophagus. The fact that I had to roll on out of bed to be reamed with televisual fluff made me feel all dirty.

Shower I did, yes. Clean and fresh I was to be.

Damnable ingrown chest hair lingering. Healing rate on this bad boy is excrutiatingly straggling along. Dead in the fucking middle too, a few scant inches below my clavical. A crimson beacon. Only have thirteen blasted chest hairs in all, gotta get the one strategically placed for the most visual horror infected of course. Avoiding my occasional slacker top buttons open look. All about the snug neck t-shirts. Fashion crucible report complete.

Interesting interpretation of a dream I had from a fellow dlander. I was desperately attempting to transfer my body warmth to an underdeveloped baby resting on my chest while recklessly driving an SUV, mostly in reverse. A woman, whose features I couldn't make out, was arguing with me from the backseat to give her the kid. The interpretation from the lovely dlander suggested that the SUV is what I think I want and the baby is what I actually need. Furthermore, the baby was probably my inner child and the woman was a female currently in my life either trying to force me to give it up or asking me to share it with her. Don't generally give much truck to dream analysis. But, in light of recent events she made sense muchly. Made a brother scratch his head and say goddamn, yes it did.

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