New York City 1948

8:26 a.m.-2002-09-24

alright some more groan

Been labelled the grumpy old man at the jobby. They criminally omitted dirty in the description. Dirty grumpy or grumpy dirty? Grumpy dirty old man. Just plain freak or bastard would suit me just fine.

Silly female on the boob tube suggesting the similarity between being infertile to being saddled with a disease. Bolstering the argument to direct medical research funding towards refreshing uteri and making nuts more juicy. Natural selection wants you to be arid you fucking cooze. No one, absolutely no one, has any divine right to procreate. Fuck you, doesn't exist. If they insist on keeping propaganda spewing network television on whilst I toil, occasionally the rage flood wall will bow, and I will loudly protest.

Not that I give a bag of chips, but these people think I should be straightjacketed. Free from slave shackles I can ignore retardation like television, and other people's delightful opinions. After awhile holding my tongue gives me a brain cramp. Gotta be unleashed.

So a commercial for Oklahoma the musical infects my ear canal. And I spit venom over musicals. Claiming any improbably potential child in my charge, will not be allowed to partake of musical theater, except in spoof, for as long as I breath. Why they ask. Cause, musicals suggest that I accept candyland logic. I'm in 'Nam, spreading my G.I. cock around,.....I feel like breaking out in song? I'm impovrished in France, being arrested for stealing a loaf of bread.....I feel like breaking out in song? Musicals are the Jello cottage cheese salad of the art world.

So some fat people whine over supposed persecutions and discriminations because of their size. And I spit venom over fat people. Suggesting that these bags of snacks have their faces sodered shut until they drop a couple slabs of congealed grease from their frame. Why do you hate fat people they ask? I don't automatically hate fat people, until one of them drapes their butter flaps all over me on the subway or an airplane. Listen, if you wanna pile it in and be more lard than person, be my guest. The second you infringe on my quality of life, I'd like to see you hanging from a hook. Its fucking selfish. I wonder how many people have died cause they were jammed behind some fatass who couldn't hustle through a fire escape fast enough. Innumerable times I've encountered fat people asking able bodied folk to bend their lives to accomodate them. Fuck that you side of pork.

So some patriotic jargon is spouted off by a politician. And I spit venom over flag waving. Whenever I hear misinformation and propaganda I usually just let out blood curdling roars. Why'd you scream they ask. Cause, this majority rules bullshit festers with the majority of the American public being ignorant sheep. Duh huh, de prez said we's gotta go ta war, dud huh, and I support ma prezident. I hate the complacent, burying the collective heads in the pillows, overindulgent, self imposed ignorance, bible belted public. And I'll sell the scalps of every dink who gasps in shock when the rest of the world tires of our lecherous empire/corporation and unilaterally slaps us back.

A written list of things that generate my ire probably would be affected by the curvature of the earth. you might guess, my views don't always mesh. Which bothers me not. They may lock me in some tower one day. Just feed me pills for chunk sake. Grrrrrrrr. Oh please somebody say something stupid. I've primed the pump with this update. Can't just absorb this cranky power.

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