New York City 1948

12:07 a.m.-2002-12-25

sugar plum up the ass

I think it's profoundly negatively telling of a national holiday that requires a thriving economy to be fun, happy and joyous. A holiday should boost your spirits during the hard days not increase the intensity of the suck.

The lackluster mirth this year is completely appealing to me. Usually the public is on top of my back, gaudy wrapping paper bombs exploding everywhere. Strong has to be the snarling bah humbug kung-fu to knuckle back the forced season's greetings. Definite remarkable sublimation of xmas cheer round these parts. And I say woooo hooooo muther truckers! Santa had to downsize this year little boys and girls, enjoy your stocking full of government cheese.

Possibly my undead working hours status has something to do with me not noticing as much xmas pesky frivolity. Just seems commercialism is falling short of rearing it's ugly shopping spree demands. Suck the mudpack retail mark ass bitch. People not splurging on the Scooby Doo Chia Pet when they haven't seen a paycheck in some months.

Die christmas die!

I have zero time for anything resembling religion. Even neo-hippie dippy all one energy spirituality crap. May seem cute and innocuous. Awww look at the granola children rubbing their crystals. Just as dangerous and contributing to the mushification of brains around the world as all the other organised religions. Keep that aura and past lives shit to yourself.

And I don't fall for the insiduous family commitment crap. Unconditional love is earned not automatic. My Ma, Pop, and Sis get the love whenever. And they love me enough to know and understand I can't deal with forced extended family get togethers. Genetics does not excuse you from the gasface when you act like an ignorant prick. If its unfun to be around you, I don't care how much heritage we share, I got no time for ya.

Remember when you made those nigger jokes while carving the christmas goose? Remember suggesting that the goddamn japs don't deserve to be on the golf course? Remember giving me a hard day, a week straight, for having long hair? Remember being a miserable outdated dried up piece of compost? No? Well I do, you oppressive horrible intolerant floater. Thank you for disowning me and removing my name from any will and testament. Pleasing severance. Very pleasing.

The retarded "in jesus' name" cards can stop anytime too. Trying to save my soul. If I actually thought the devil existed, I would have handed over my soul ages ago. I'd be making friends with satan real quick. Hook me up with a dope bachelor pad in hell with air conditioning and a perpetually stocked wet bar. Ain't no genitals in heaven from what the pious report. Fuck that shit.

My Ma keeps skirting the issue with the fam on my athiest status. She cut my aunt off at the knees as she started asking me to say grace. My aunt looked quizically at my Ma, and my Ma just did the whole closed eye, lip biting, rapid head shake. Knowing full well I would announce that I don't believe in that shit, and there is no possible way I would pray in any form. As I did this to a past dinner guest who had their asses hermitically clenched all born again style. Who no longer ask my parents how I'm doing anymore. Fine and dandy with me.

Course, over on my Pop's side his sis dropped into a jehovah's witness life. Became a baby factory. Cornered me at my Sis' wedding insisting that I keep up with them. Kept sipping my vodka and chuckled at her. She stared for a moment and headed back to her table of jehovah witness clan madness. Lady your brain is so tarded up with that fairytale that I could live the rest of my life without knowing what happens to you and be completely happy. Bad enough I have to chase some of your crazy persistent god membership pals off my doorstep on Saturday mornings, don't need that headache in my family life. Step off.

Scrooging it up over here boss.

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