New York City 1948

2:42 p.m.-2003-08-30

rage insertion

Fuck you Georgie Porgie Bushie Pie and the entire corporation of republicans that hoisted you up on their shoulders. Not bad enough you alienated the entire globe. Not bad enough you set the environmental progress back to situation critical all in the name of monetary profit for your fatcat pals, so you could suck each other off on your piles of cash. You opportunistic plantation overseer humanity voids. Pushed your elitist grand ole cracker ass convention up to take place during September.

Hmmm, I wonder what occurred in NYC in September a couple years back? I wish for your deaths. Using millions of Gotham citizen's misery to boost your political party's electoral foothold. I genuinely hope every single participant at the republican convention suffers from an extended inflamatory genital disease, where you slowly writhingly expire while your nether regions painfully seep and rot.

Hopefully New Yorkers will go insane with outrage. Been saying since it happened that middle America ( the staunchest supporters of christian tainted right wing bullshit ) couldn't give five rimjobs about the citywide rape that occurred on that autumnal shitstorm day. To them it's only a fucking photo op and excuse to grease up their nationalistic xenophobic cocks to shove into the third world's asshole. A smoking hole for tourists to gawk at while scraping their nose for booger treats.

If anyone wants to make me happy, they will mass organise on the streets, blocking any attempts for these fucking republicans to rally unwelcomed in our home. Rotten fruit tossed at their heads. I know you don't have any normal human feelings, but explain to me how you can digest your meals knowing you infest the biosphere with your putrid corporate detritus, you slimy parasitic republican festering scabs.

Thanks for dooming the planet Mister Village Idiot Bush. You deserve a giant platinum mongoloid asshole award. You can put it in your trophy case next to all the welfare mothers, wrongly accused deathrow inmates, and runaway niggers from your ranch you shot and had mounted by a taxidermist. Just know you are coming to a city that despises your every fiber.

I won't be able to take enough showers to clean off this dirty feeling of his regime slobbering around my avenues. I honestly don't like most politicians. This current executive crew are about as vile as it gets. Smiling at ya while spilling industrial sewage into your cornflakes. I'd rather snuggle up to unwashed crackheads.

Whoever votes for Bush in the next presidential election is an A class retard. Grrrrrrrrr.

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