New York City 1948


men and women

Here's something I figured out. Men and women will never understand each other. The major difference between men and women (besides holes and poles) is that men know and accept we will never understand women and try our best to make our relationships as painless as possible (this is why a man doesn't want to talk about his feelings, because it doesn't help it only hurts). And I know, there are jerks who obviously ENJOY having painful relationships, but fuck them with a huge candy cane. Women, can't accept the fact that they will never understand men and do all this research and query action. Why do you think "women's" magazines are all about "Twenty ways to keep your man" "What's inside your boyfriends head" "Men, do they actually like pussy?" So we butt heads cause we (men) look like we are uncaring, unfeeling assholes, and women come off as nagging, bitching headaches.

Look, we can get along just fine. Men want quiet, blowjobs, good food, beautiful things to look at, sexy things to smell, and the occasional football or basketball game. So give it to em once in a while. Women want compliments, cunnilingus, conversation, nice things to touch, comforting things to hear, and the occasional shoe sale. So give it to em once in a while. For fucks sake who cares if we don't understand one another. Isn't enough we can make each other cum, and then cuddle till we fall asleep.

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