New York City 1948


uncool with myself

The best way to know if your cool with yourself is to drop acid, x will work too, and while your buzzing, stare into a mirror and see if you like the person staring back at you. Last time I did that all I could do was grin, like look at you, you smart ass. But I realized that I definitely want that guy to be my friend, and I would like to hang out with him. I wonder what the result would be if I did it right now.

I have to grow up. I live like a gypsy. I just moved to my newest temporary living situation. It'll probably last for at least a year, maybe longer depending on what happens to the person who I'm subletting it from. I have lived in NY since 92', and I have lived in ten different places, eleven with this new one. Everytime I move I chunk part of myself. I'm not a serious collector of shit from my past, but there certain things I like to keep. This move I threw away all my Life year in pictures since 84'. Mostly cause they have just been battered and falling apart. But I loved looking at those damn things. I threw out all my cassette tapes, over two hundred of them. I tore the covers out, and have a pile of cds to buy. Got rid of some nostalgic t-shirts. All my shit fit in the back of a cargo van. My entire self fits in a van. That sounds like a country song "Everything That I am Fits in a Van".

At least I'm living in Alphabet City again. It's the best part of Manhattan. That's where my life takes place, and now my living situation does too. No more drunken cab rides to Brooklyn. Walk everywhere I wanna go. Love that. Too bad idiots have invaded hardcore. All these fuckin kids livin on their daddy's tip. French bistros and sushi bars do not belong on avenue C. Bring back the squatting punks, the Latin Kings, the falling out junkies, the scruffy artists, the hung over musicians, satan worshippers, pot heads, real new yorkers.

Luckily with the new job, that looks as if they are gonna move me up the ranks pretty quick, will help me pay off my debts. Then I can plant my flag somewhere in this jungle. Maybe even have a relationship that isn't stupid or breif (like a one nighter, too many of those lately). Ack. Fuck it anyway.

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