New York City 1948


halloween happens but once a year

I went to work yesterday in a diaper. Gotta love Halloween. My baby costume went over so well that I won tickets to see the Knicks at the Garden. My dick is hard. Apparently Prince Andrew was touring our office yesterday while the entire company was all ghouled up. I would have like to seen the look on his face as a grown man approached him in diapers.

After work I went to Doc Holliday's for the sexy costume contest. Liquid latex is one of the most wonderful inventions yet. All praises due. I got whipped by a rubber clad nun. And a leather clad she devil made out with a lace clad red riding hood on the bar. They told me they both tasted really good, unfortunately I could only take their word for it. None of the contestants fucked a beer tap like last year, that was a winner. I should have left my baby costume on when I went to the bar, but I was starting to get diaper rash. That elastic is harsh. By the way Darth Maul costumes = tired.

The sexy bartenders were of course working. I hadn't been in on my regular days in a while. They were all pouty, "we missed you". Why don't you stop teasing me and tie me down to your bed and do some damage. Sure way to keep me around. See I have enough friends, not nearly enough pussy.

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