New York City 1948


toilet seat controversy

I have been trained by my mother and sister at a very early age to leave the toilet seat down. Its automatic for me. Unconscious. I score big points in relationships for it, which is weird. But I have a problem with it.

If you go blindly into an unlit bathroom, lower your panties and take a bare assed leap of faith towards a toilet bowl, then you probably should get the surprise of your life. You never hear of men getting their ass stuck on the john with toilet water lapping at their cheeks. Wanna know why? Cause we check the fucking toilet bowl before we let loose. What if someone left the plunger in the toilet bowl? Nice little wooden enema just waitin for ya. Lets say the seat was down, and a family of roaches is enjoying their vacation on the rim of the great porcelain drain, snapping tiny little photos, taking in the raw and majestic energy that is modern plumbing. You'd end up with a fantastic pressed insect collection on your tush. Also, if the seat is up, you know that your loveable primate didn't tinkle all over it while he was trying to aim for the target. You may think its all point and shoot. But there are lots of fluid dynamics that go into the perfect stream. My favorite is the morning after piss, thats anybody's geuss how its gonna come out. Especially infamous is the dual rivulets.

So ladies stop complaining and start checking. We (men) have to be inconsiderate or else the testosterone gods will take our testicles away from us. And no matter how gross they look we love our testicles.

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