New York City 1948


self medicate

I have taken a nice salad of pills. At work currently and I was feeling like dooky. Some phlegmy chest, puffy throat, losing my voice, coughing, sniffling, achey joint monster of a flu has taken over my body. So I took two Contacts, two Sudafed, and two Alleve ( almost went for a Vikadin someone offered, but then it would have been necessary to pour me into a cab). I am in no way advocating this. I am an experienced pill popper and I abuse my body with the knowledge of what it can do, and accept the possible consequences with open arms. I needed something to make the work day happen. But I am feeling groovy.

The edges are fuzzy. Things are making me giggle. My eyes have been reduced to almond sliver shapes. This is a pretty good high.

When you find a good drug combo (and its extremely different from person to person) you file it in your memory as pharmacueticals to do again. Repeat performance necessary.

Holy shit my body is loose right now. I ain't feeling no aches, no stress, no itch, no nothing. People are coming at me with questions and problems. The answers just propel out of my mouth. My hands are typing fluidly.

I remember when I was a kid, my friends and I would each buy a huge bottle of Nyquil. We weren't sick, we were just looking to get fucked up. If you take enough of that stuff you don't get drowsy. On the contrary you kinda get into some vivid color euphoria. Its got a nasty icky feeling side effect. But when your young and something is making Bugs Bunny even funnier, you don't argue. Again - please do not attempt this stunt on your own. I'm sure we were knock knock knockin on heaven's door.

My sister is stopping by for a tour of the office. I hope I'm not to much of a spaced out freak while she's here. Her and her husband are a couple of tea totalers from the Midwest. Mind alterations don't happen to them much. But actually I really don't care. And it's all over the counter shit anyway.

Big ups to the grand apothecary that makes these things possible. And in the words of Vinny Barbarino "Gimme drugs, gimme drugs, gimme drugs".

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