New York City 1948


drunken wisdom

I was desperately attempting to get shit faced last night. Really didn't feel completely tipsy until the tenth Stoli Vanil on the rocks. Stacey, the bartender gasped, looked at the bottle, and said "Do you know your the only one who's drinking this, look at the bottle, maybe its time for an intervention." High tolerance is a attribute in my book. It winds up kinda scary for those distributing it to me. Next thing out of her mouth "Are you even drunk?" I make the thumb and fore finger sign for "little bit". "Do you want another?" Fuck yes.

Another patron, chick, who does the paper work for an escort service, decked out in leather, piercings, and proudly displaying her alabaster tits was on a tear about men and women. Quotes - "Bitches are fucking psycho, I don't know how men deal with it." And, "You shouldn't listen to a word a man has to say, cause everthing that falls out of their face is moronic." I think I'm gonna ask her to write some paragraphs in my book Women Are Crazy, Men Are Retarded.

Although I could complete the book with one page. Here it goes - Testosterone makes you stupid, Estrogen/Progestogen makes you nuts. When encountering an individual with either of these chemical sets, adjust your behavior accordingly. This will never change, and attempting to change it will only send you to an early grave. Your acceptance of these facts will go far in ensuring that you have the few happy moments that exist in life. Non acceptance will most assuredly bring about your demise without ever once having a relationship that actually had merit. In which case, we the authors, hope you like being fucked over harshly and repeatedly.

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