New York City 1948


knee deep in it

I am cableless at the moment. Some stupid landlord/lawyer bullshit. Which means I've been watching all my video tapes again, as well as reading more than ususal. So now no matter what channel your on the pay per view ads show up. Lots of WWF super deluxe golden smack down. Seen the trailer for Gone in Thirty Seconds too much. And then there's the list of adult movies on the Spice channel.

I couldn't order any of these movies or events if I wanted to. Cable is just non existent. But the porno movie names are always entertaining. I'm always amused by anything volume ten or higher. Imagining some porn "afficienado" ruminating on how effective one volume is to another.

There was one title which, strangely enough, I found disturbing. It was called Knee Deep In It. There is quite an unsexy quality of that title. Does it mean that the women have these canyons between their legs. Or like its a swampy region that the men are trudging through. Then I thought it could be some kind of boot fucking video. While I've seen a woman go ankle depth, knee depth would surely turn into a scene from a slasher flick. Regardless, I never want to be knee deep in it, or be around when a woman is going through that.

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