New York City 1948


love love love

I figured to balance my chi, I should think about some of the peeps I love. I keep thinking of more types of people I hate, after writing that I hate everybody entry. So lets try and put my brain a little more center.

My mom - She is the coolest chick ever. She taught me to laugh at everything. Everytime I would fall down or generally create some funniest home video moment, she would try not to laugh. It always ended up with her in hysterical giggles. She's going crazy, and while it worries me some, it makes her all the more fun to be around. She ain't no wuss either. When I say my mom can kick your mom's ass, unless she's Michelle Yoeh, it ain't no joke. She looks diminuitive, but I've seen her toss idiots around for, well, being idiotic. She worries about me, but she likes who I am and accepts my lifestyle with wide arms. Love ya ma.

Pops - My dad woke up hours before everybody else to make sure we had a hot breakfast everyday. He cooked almost every meal, and boy was it all good. He went through a rough patch in the late seventies early eighties. Couple of lay-offs. But my sister and I always had hot meals, clothes on our backs, and a comfy place to rest our head. He sacrificed for us big time. I hardly ever agreed with his politics or cultural tastes. But dammit homey did alright by me. I am okay today because of him. Love ya pops.

My Sister - lets face it, we fucking hated each other when we were kids. My mom gave birth to two halves of a battery. Complete opposites, to this day. However distance is a great healer. Whenever we hook up these days its always refreshing to see her doing well with her life. So uncomplicated, and understanding. She's got a monumental heart, and a face of an angel. We actually enjoy each other's company now. And soon I'll be uncle Frank, eeeek. Love ya sis.

My brother in law - my sister's husband. Don't really know him that well. Which is sort of odd since they have been dating since the early 90s. What I do know is that he cherishes my sis and treats her like a queen. He's such a good guy, gentle, soft spoken, smart, and a great companion for my sis. Thanks tons bro for being there for her. Love ya Tavo.

Damian - my best friend. Dude, the last couple of years have been rough on us both, and I couldn't have gotten through it without ya, and I hope you can say the same about me. I will always give you a hug, and even kiss that bald head of yours, don't give a fuck what anyone thinks. As pessimistic as I am, he always comes up with the hope. We attack the world like yin and yang. I would die for him. Love ya D.

Rachel - my other best friend. You worry the shit out of me. I watch you live a life of destruction and it kills me. You are a beautiful woman with a wonderful brain to match. You ought to treat yourself like a beuatifully wonderfully brained chick should. You got lots to offer this suck hole planet, let it shine girl. She's been a major support rod to my sagging psyche. As frustrating as you are sometimes, I can't imagine not having you around. Love ya Rache.

Eric - homie. We don't have much contact these days. But we are cut into the same groove of the big wax platter. Everytime we see each other its a party. And not cause we go nuts (sometimes we do) but we celebrate the fact that we are alive and stickin it to the man. I only hope one day I'll be in a position to help you be discovered by the world. Man, you are the ropey dopiest cat this side of the Mississippi. Love ya dirty.

Cassandra - ex girlfriend who will probably end up with my baby inside of her when we are in our forties, unless i cut my balls off before then. She is crazier than a loon, and it does nothing but enhances her admirably. There is not one other person on this planet that I can talk to and figure shit out with, and she'd probably say the same thing of me. You are so strong, you know what life you were headed to, and you bucked it. That is way rad. Self improvement is your mantra, and it rubs off on me. Love ya Candy.

Valerie - admiring her from afar. Unrequetted love sucks. I know she wants to give in to it too. We are great friends. Yay. Its not good enough. I stay away from her cause I can't take how gorgeous and enlivening she is. And I return to her for the same reason. Constantly flirting with each other. But she's in her discovering herself faze. I don't want to sound too pretentious, but I'm probably too intense, exciting, and suitable for her to ever give in. I won't fight for her forever. She tastes and smells delightful. She has so much positive energy combined with hard core fuck you realism. I can't say enough about her. I love you Val.

Lou - the man with the brain. He reminds me of myself to the point of being frightening, except he does it better. My humor is twisted, well developed and decent, but twisted. Not only does he enjoy my humor, but he comes back and triumphs over mine everytime. Got mad respect for him. Once he and I crush our slacker sides I think we got great things ahead of us. I'm glad he's in my life. Love ya King Lou.

Enough for now. I could go on, but balancing myself out takes some energy. For those I didn't include who know I love them, you know if you know, sorry I didn't persevere with the list. But you know how it is, I love ya too.

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