New York City 1948

08:37 p.m.-2001-03-27

why i need drugs and creative outlets

Things I wish I could have done after being ruthlessly awakened by the world today.

Take out high powered rifle with a silencer on it. Aim for the spot between that furry little mutt's face. End the constant barking for good.

Re-aim. Set sights on the speaker of the idiot who has it perched in his window playing horribly tinny mariachi style crap, and unload a clip into it.

Drill a thin hole in the wall connected to the building nextdoor. Insert filament tube. Funnel in a hyperactive gaseous agent that would cause all in proximity to violently lose bowel control and vomit all contents of stomach, through both mouth and nose. Good hour of retching and dry heaving afterwards. Hopefully this would cause them to chill and stop moving furniture all day long.

Go into the apartment next door. Greet the renovators with a smile just before knocking them all out with an aluminum bat. Restrain them all with vinyl rope to sturdy wooden chairs. Revive the one that was drilling into the wall connected to my apartment. Begin drilling each one of his fingers to the arm rest. Next revive the one who had been sawing wood planks. Take bits of chalkboard and slice them with his power saw inches from his ear. Then when his head is pounding with ungodly noise, remove his ears without precision. The guy that was yelling at the other two all day long, unleash my fists on his face till my knuckles bled. Constantly yelling "shut your fucking hole."

The guy whistling while he works in the courtyard below my window. Well, I'll be nice. I'll just tinkle on his bald head.

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