New York City 1948

2:12 p.m.-2001-04-12

promises are bullshit

I don't believe in promises. I don't deliver them. And I won't sign the receipt when one is sent to me.

Promises are bullshit.

And demanding for a promise is the height of assholeness. No one can predict the future. I don't care if your momma sucked Nostradamus' cock in a former life, you don't got the skills. So how can you make a statement where you will ensure that you will make something happen. And how can you ask someone to do so.

Promises are for children. Its an infantile notion. I won't make them to children either. The only benefit from making a promise to a child, is that it will prepare them for adulthood when the promise is broken and their faith takes a hit in the stomach.

Promises are intrinsically intertwined with lies. I hate lies. I hate telling them. I hate hearing them. I hate discovering them, except for the fact that then I discover the truth. And I love the truth no matter how much it stings. Lies only sully the group consciousness. Fuck lies. Fuck promises that lead to a lie. Fuck promises.

Promises are a weak escape clause out of a situation for an individual who doesn't have the means to either deal with conflict, or the means to actually prove themselves by their actions. A person sends a promise my way and I immediately mark a notch in their profile. Dude or dudess is a still a child.

Promises are a sneaky lawyer's tool. Well you promised this thing, so since it didn't happen its all your fault. Anyone that likes to be promised to is a shifty manipulator. You demand a promise from me and I immediately stamp your personality card. Fucking twisting control freak. Miscontrue lesser beings you shit and get out of my face.

I got no time for promises. If you need promises in your life, then don't try and make yourself part of mine. I'll chump your promise crutched ass everytime.

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