New York City 1948

4:23 p.m.-2001-06-11


I'm not actually sure how many people read this. Don't give five shits actually. But, if you are one of the lucky few who consider my scribblings as worthy of your attention then you must be sick. Seriously though, I am flattered anyone would think that the stuff that falls from my brain onto this keyboard is interesting enough to take time out of their day to actually pay attention to. It has also come to my attention from Partygirl that I apparently tend to have good advice.

Starting today I will be manning the helm at Partygirl and Frogs have honored me with the spot. Big ups to both of them and go check out their diaries, cool chicks. Yes, I am too much of a slacker to include the actual links to anything in this diary. Flex your typing muscles anyway you biznatch.

So if you have any questions or issues you'd like an honest, thoughtfull, often amusing, sometimes deviant insight on, then contact yours truly at [email protected] or [email protected]. If your quandry seems like something I can or want to answer then you will see the response at GoodAdvice.

Informative entry non? Boring yes. Whatever. The normal sick crazy shit will be continued anon. If this is causing you distress maybe you should ask for advice.

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