New York City 1948

1:09 a.m.-2001-07-11

please please fire me

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I read the schedule wrong. This overnight shit is driving me nuts anyway. I can't think straight, much less learn anything. New department, supposed to learn stuff. Feh.

So what did I do instead of showing up for work last night? Heeded the call of Stolichnaya. Got my drink on and bested people on the pool table.

I don't think I have much stomach left for this job. I don't care about office politics. My brain will dump all the information that was stored for this place the second I quit. The "service" we provide to people is vacant. I won't rah rah for this place. I will not do homework for this place. I will not work on my days off. Overtime is something that may happen accidentally on my scheduled days, but I won't go out of my way to help this place if it means inconviencing me one ounce. I would skip back home if I arrived to work and the building was reduced to rubble, big smoking hole.

This place saps the energy out of me. I try and focus on my creative side, but when server names and web addresses are flying through my brain, I just wanna get drunk or high. Fuck, that seems to be the only way to put me in a coma like state so I can get some modicum of sleep during the afternoon.

Thanks to punk ass neighboors deciding to dj for the block. And there has been constant street construction. The beep of the backing up trucks sounds exactly like the beep of my alarm clock. I hope that the skin of the individuals that caused those little retard warning bells on trucks peels off until they look like Mr. Goodbody.

So I'm in a state of fluctuating between being pissed off or maniacal. Talking to myself in the mirror. Eating the skin around my finger tips. Growling at people. All, and I mean all my friends, have asked if I'm gonna be alright cause I've been acting weird lately. To clarify, people know me as weird to begin with, so when they say that I've been acting weird, it means I'm on my way to the funny farm. I don't have the strength to fight it, or to rant about what makes me crazy here either right now.

I made out with odiferous, yet cute, lesbians last night. They said I was decent for a guy.

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