New York City 1948

9:05 a.m.-2001-08-10

my cpu on the fritz

No amount of cold showers is making this furnace weather alright. It's like I'm constantly tucked under the armpit of a bear. My cartelidge is melting, and the joints are sodering together. Hotter than Cerebus' tits. My ancestors were pale ass cave dwellers, wooly mammoth hunters, ice merchants, and snow eaters. My chromosomes no likey. Scorchy burny sky heat orb thingy stingy me. Spanklin system overload, malfunction, malfunction, malfunction.............

Please adjust environmental settings to meet proper operating temperature parameters and reboot mack unit spanklin version 1.0. The manufacturers have been notified and a representative from the Rigellian Terra Infiltration Corporation will arrive to perform maintenance on mack unit. End of line.

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