New York City 1948

6:15 p.m.-2002-03-13


Strange phrases you can say to someone from out of nowhere in order to have weird looks come your way:

More bounce to the ounce. Gotta be jello cause puddin don't shake like that. Got the junk in the trunk. I'd drink a gallon of her bathwater. Rock out with your cock out. Rokken with Dokken. Don't know if I'd rather fuck her or have her head full of nickles. Be right back, gotta drop the kids off at the pool. Schlob my knob. Boner toner. My nipples explode with delight. Loafs freshly pinched. This plastic bag is not a toy. Wunder schweilinger kraften activeren! Ich liebe wasserbomben. J'ai le fue du diable dans mes pantalons. The bone, she is for the dog, the meat, she is for the man. Tinkle time! Like white on stink. Grease up my winky and put it in your stinky. Stink eye. Gonna put you on pimp arrest. My hemmoroids are acting up. You ball draining cum soaked fuck mag. Time to lay some cable. Imagracion! Oof, feeling a little anxious, anybody up for a some angry sex?

I can't pee in the lower urinals here at the jobby job. I always picture an oompa lumpa sidling up to the porcelean for a candy striped wizz. Its like swimming in the kiddie pool. It makes me think I'm in the dressing room trying on some Toughskins, being baited by my mother to come out and show her so she can announce loudly how my large ass just don't fit right in most pants. Also, the frigid stainless steel flush handle arrangement is positioned too close to my boys for enjoying a wee wee with ease. So its either the elevated pisser or a stall.

I sure do miss cigarettes. Whoever told me that bullshit about how I'd sneer at second hand smoke after six months oughtta be subjected to a reverse colonic. I have been fighting furiously against the urge to suck back some butts. I quit a year and a half ago, and thinking about taking a drag is currently giving me a chubby. I relish the warm languid smoke drawing past my throat and into my lungs. Christ, I guess I'm a junky for life.

Its horribly difficult not to partake of a cigarette laying alongside a chick of whom we've just sweated all over each other, and then she sparks up. I could just match her spliff for butt. Puts a hurtin on my wallet, and would make me ridiculously high most of the time. Most enjoyable for me. Could get boring for her. I have been contemplating giving up booze altogether and stickin to the kind bud for all my brain alteration needs. I've done that before and felt much happier and healthier. Plus residual stoner vibe hiking into work ain't half bad either. Course, not always complimentary towards thinking clearly. Course, not that I give a dry hump either.

I wonder which internal organ will quit on me first.

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