New York City 1948

2:05 p.m.-2002-04-04

blanket party

I think if we forced kids to memorize and reiterate verses of the dictionary instead of a bible, talmud, or koran the world be an astoundingly more tolerable place.

My eyes were not cooperating again last night. Refrained from trudging into work again. My decline in reliability at the trace route and net stat dude ranch is unequivocally forming a pattern. It will be interesting and eagerly awaited for when they call me on it. There was a whisper of worker's comp in the air.

Brain was allowed to wander.

Envisioning a scene from a movie with penchants towards gross out humor. Our hero, desperately fleeing from pursuers. On a bicycle in Central Park. He veers off the paved path to elude the bad guys, through the wooded areas. Hitting a rock he goes sailing off the bike over hedges and lands in a clearing. Masculine moans and groans surround him. He looks up to discover he has landed in the middle of a secluded circle jerk, right as they climax. Hit from all angles with chowder.

One of my friends, Lou or Finn, or both Lou and Finn happened upon a circle jerk in Central Park years ago. It was a whoa moment. If I was there it would have tested the resolve of the skin flute orchestra. Cause its gotta be hard to maintain an erection with someone laughing at ya.

Also reminds me of a game one of my NYU professors told me about. Snow White. Basically a circle jerk with one slight variation. A cookie is placed in the center. The last one to spurt has to eat the cookie.

Innocuous sounding games are always the worst. Like blanket party. If you got an invite to a Snow White blanket party you'd probably go right? Little did you know you might have to eat a cookie with fresh piped cock icing, and get slapped in the torso with socks filled with bars of soap, while being pinned down by people on either side of you holding onto your own blanket. Some guy boasting that he gave his girl a dutch oven and a roman helmet? These were not thoughtful gifts.

Crackhead - funny. Junky - not funny.

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