New York City 1948

2:04 p.m.-2002-05-15

loot minimum payment

Internal weather report: Increased temperatures continue within the cranial plains, saline precipitation throughout the day, phlegm floods along the nasal and epiglotal passageways, and general ache fogs encapsulating the whole spanky metropolitan area.

I sound roached, and look cracked out. Love the pedestrian double takes, figuring out if I'm a strung out junky ready to gank someone for a fix. Coworkers standing a few extra paces away as they discuss imminent security patches and production roll-outs. The scourge of geekland.

Payday used to be a bi-weekly highlight. Presently it's just the commencement of the next round of cash hemorrhaging from my ass. "Would you like to pay the full amount today?" Hell no, take this pittance of loot minimum payment, you bizzle on my snizzle.

Appearances of peeps from the UCB theater on commercials and other acting forays, such as Conan, have been exponentially on the rise. Must create lifestyle more beneficial towards being able to put my face out there. Plunger sucking toilet halitosis fucknut jobby job! I curse you.

Difficult to shake off the memory of the opthamologist appointment I had on Monday. Extremely shiveringly squeamish in regards to having my eyes poked and prodded. New concerns prompted a new test. Frigid silver intrument, prongs to hold back my eyelids, some kind of clear center that attaches itself to the eyeball, and a light that beams amplified through that. Nausea creeping up just thinking about it. Always discombobulated after an eye appointment, but this time I felt crusty like the come down off a bad trip. Chained to a rock, head cracked open, and a crow pecks at my brain all day. Ugh.

Today would be gorgeous if I was lounging on my roof, partaking of a E tinted red cherry slushie, and preparing for an open air three way with two shorties with suckable toes. Instant gratification isn't happening today.

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