New York City 1948

12:36 a.m.-2002-08-16

brain powers used

I might be starting to enjoy sweating profusely. Not becoming a desert lover like T.E. Lawrence. Body seems to be acclamating towards sleeping whilst the sun glows and my skin leaks. Also somewhat exhilirated while speedily weaving through traffic, human foot and vehicular types, rivulets of sweat sprinting from my scalp.

I mostly sweat from my head. My other pores work, but most of it originates from my scalp. Not sure why that matters. Other than you'll never see me with monster pit swamps.

The course of human traffic. Gotta merge with the automotive side of things. Yes you have the walk sign, no reason to dawdle along keeping the turning cars from backing the streets up. Make that move. Don't hesitate. Hesitation is what makes bumper food. Blend in with the fucking cars.

Hoofing it to a destination is one of those activities I prefer doing solo. Others walking along with me often feel like a dragging anchor. Grit my teeth and want to holler "Ya mule!". Anything with a mission attached I prefer doing by myself. Shopping, haircuts, bill payments, etc. Also checking out museums, I have a rollercoaster pace in those. Zero desire to explain or justify studying a piece for an extended period of time, or zipping past an exhibit that I can speed appreciate through. Ah the movies. So much superior sitting by myself on some off hour weekday, whole row to myself, no questions or errant clever remarks.

One of the people from my improv team had his face used in an Onion article. The one defending the wondering of what Yoda's penis looks like. His face is a perfect match up. This sparked a discussion between me and homie robotlou revolving around the miniscule yet potent Jedi master's cock. I said that it probably isn't uncut. To which robotlou brought up the fact that Jedi don't fuck so what's the point. I speculated that the telltale Jedi birthmark is under the foreskin, and it just makes it easier for indentification at Jedi conventions to have it out in the open instead of behind a flap of skin. So you can see our brain powers are put to decent uses.

Speaking of brain powers, Firestorm is planning on doing sketch shows alongside our improv performances. Scripts are needed. Debating if I want to share with others. These others anyway. I'll write a couple skits and see what happens, these peeps might be better when rehearsed and lines memorised than off the top of their brains. Decent odds on that anyway. I'll make a small withdrawal from the funny bank.

Covered in glitter. It's either the glitter or me. She has to decide. Silly glitter girl.

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