New York City 1948

12:09 a.m.-2002-08-21

eat the dirt human

You humans are increasingly getting on my tits.

Watching BBC World News, a report on coal mining in West Virginia. Interviewing a hump of flesh that was able to speak a modicum of white trash English. His response to protestors attempting to halt the cleaving of mountain tops and rearranging of rivers and streams. "Those mountains and trees ain't doing nobody no good, flatten the ground and stores and homes can move in." You have to imagine the inbred hillbilly retard accent on your own. Unfortunately the mountains are incapable of striking back. Would enjoy seeing some rock giant grinding that village of idiots in a colosseum sized mortar and pestle.

I will cheer like an insane Viking banshee when their efforts of waterways straightening and slate blasting results in a cleansing flood. Get lodged in the river debris at the bottom of the delta you chopped ham salad brained ass scratchers.

My sister is a doll. She believes in fairness and respect. She just sent me this email about everyone wearing red, white and blue this upcoming September 11th. Also involved is a moment of silence. Love ya sis, but fuck that shit.

Yes I am a one of a kind freak of America. I am a rabid New Yorker. Gots the serious love for the denizens of this city. Regardless of what has gone down I refuse to buy into any corporation fueled marketing ploys and trademarks. Such as the major tool of that bullshit machine the old stars and stripes. And what the fuck am I gonna observe a moment of silence for? All the angels living in the clouds? I wonder if they are riding unicorns while sipping goblets of fermented gremlin juice. Just cause you engineered a monstrous stream of bullshit to convince people to compliantly mop up floors and send their children to so called institutions of education, don't expect me to swallow. Did ya know that they create public school buildings based on the designs of federal penitentiaries? Keep your silly god and glory shit away from me.

They attacked us. Bullshit, they attacked New York City. Most of you fucking people from the rest of the contiguous states sneered at New York before we got hammered. Or you enjoy coming here and pissing all over the place. I love coming to New York, but I'd never live there. Yeah? Well chew the peanuts and corn kernels out of my stool dickwad, I moved here to seperate myself from the rest of the pablum. Stay away from my town assholes. I hope everyone of you afterbirths that took a group vacation photo in front of the crater downtown has your knees drilled with a large gauged bit. Straight up, New York City, while surrounded by the rest of you patriots, is fucking seperate from you.

You humans keep belching up offspring. Keep licking the ballsack of some imaginary white bearded lighting bolt chucking old man in the sky. Keep running your sphincter up and down the Fourth of July flagpole. Keep eating trees, and murking up the water. Keep increasing the retardation.

I'll continue to sit back and laugh my ass off till I'm wormfood, or whatever else the scientist will decide to do with my lifeless shell. I ain't bringing any children into this steaming cauldron of puke. While you all get out there and "make a difference" on election day, I'll stay home and play with my dick. You won't win with my suicide, unless I am a bag of worthless painful shit at the time, I'll live out my genetically determined extended life thumbing my nostrils at you. Fuck you humans wide and open.

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