New York City 1948

4:16 p.m.-2002-10-05

steel cross trash

Gotta give up the smokes. Feeling extra junkyish today. Throat is hosed. Lung clams creeping up my esophagus. Damnable tobacco. See alcohol is a lover. A lover that often punishes me, but also heaps rewards upon my head. Cracky tobacco is just a usurper of my overall ass. Making me all jittery and sounding like I belong in a retirement home for coal miners. So bring on the mean withdrawals. It's quittin time.

Brace yourself.

Mutherlickin fairytale vending chumpwads. We want the girders that look like a cross to be a permenant part of a downtown memorial. Yacky yacky yacky, loud whiny screaming and shouting, rolling on the floor kicking and screaming postering. You self important, verbal bile ridden vomit spewing, mythology sewage piling criminals to humanity.

First of all. Let's just speculate for a second that some omnipotent force exists, governing our fates. Which I abhor to even suggest as I completely do not believe that in any measurement whatsoever. What kind of cojones dangle from your pelvis that gives you the authority to decide which tenet of religion should be represented as the savior for that tradgedy. Listen up you fucking christians, world MINORITIES of earthbound fantasies. Did ya think that possibly jews, hindus, buddhists, muslims, agnostics, athiests, and whatever other belief system died and was affected negatively that shitstorm day?

Next. I thought all you podium pounders were insisting that this was not a religious struggle. Not a war pitting christianity against islam. Sinister slimy slithering snails. With the one hand your serving up vanilla ice cream with rainbow sprinkles, and with the other giving everyone an uninvited colonoscopy. Of course this fight has a major chunk to do with the fact that the last strongholds of christianity are feeling overwhelmed and threatened by their diminishing membership. And excellent job in making the other sides's fundamentalist's resolve even stronger with more grandstanding like protesting for a supposed industrial crucifix to become a sacred object.

Check this. What if, let's say a crescent moon and a star somehow appeared within the rubble? Subsequently the islamic fundamentalists jump on top of it, purporting it to be sign from allah that their efforts are indeed righteous and blessed. American media and christian groups would immediately and loudly strike back insisting that it was just some twisted metal with no signifigance towards their religious beliefs. They'd actually be right, it is just some twisted scrap metal, exactly like that fucking girder cross. Hypocritical assholes.

These limp marching band tactics are exactly why I growl at bible bangin idiots. Its not enough that you just go and be retarded on your own at church. But you insist that other people must join in on your mongoloid activities. Get diseased.

So yeah, as a true member of the NYC community I would formally insist that they keep that bullshit to themselves. You want to make it a holy object? Go shove it into st. peter's or mark's or whatever other saint pleeb you have. You can ceremoniously rub your tight clenched anus all over it in the comfort of your collective house of god stupidity. Don't assume to speak for any of us. Personally you've pissed me off enough that I'd like to see the damn thing fall over and crush you.

Ooooooo, Ranty McRant Rant from Rantville. Yeah. Just way too many human waste heaps getting nationwide attention. So I must bust out my cranky. If you were offended by anything I just said up there, write your complaints on a piece of paper, fold it five ways, and insert it in your peehole without lubrication. Oh yeah and kiss my natural pale white ass. Beeyotch.

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