New York City 1948

4:39 p.m.-2002-10-17

kids of doom

Devisive advertisement ploy. So manipulative my only response was audible chuckles alone on my couch. Blazing clips of a new crime spree based video game. At the end the commercial states in voice over and with vibrant lettering: "Preorder now to avoid disappointment.". Disappointment being the worst calamity upon which American youth must face. Can't wait until notices like "Get to oxygen centers now to avoid asphyxiation." and "Preorder vaccinations now to avoid intestinal meltdown.". Fuckin place.

Babies just can't come from my tadpoles. I can't add to this mess. No progeny. No passing the genetic torch. No babies, no babies, no babies.

Enjoyed a program on the dwindling Florida Everglades. Kind of marshland that used to filter the water before it dumped into the ocean. Course, urban sprawl chopped away at that land. Extra poisons too much for nature to handle. Too many fucking people on this planet.

I think warfare is dumb. Although, in terms of shedding a few zeros off the bottom line population equation, it works well. So fire away big boys. Obliterate a few communtities. Make some fucking room. Give the Earth some breathing space by closing down a bunch of air suckers. How crass. Whatever, people are a problem the more of them there are, so let's get to the activities that make less of them.

No kids.

Besides any possible children I help spawn and raise will be generally hated. Informing other kids how stupid they are for believing in Santa Clause, Tooth Fairy, or god ( which I would lump in with all other myths and legends of humanity's moronic crutches ). Teachers finding it difficult for some assistance from me to reign in my children's "disruptive" activities in the classroom, such as questioning the misinformation spouted from American textbooks. Allowing my children to learn at early ages the honest realities wrapped around sex and drugs. Other kids complaining to their parents how Mr. Spanky gave his kids a joint and a beer when they turned sixteen, so why can't they.

The overwhelming guilt I would have for bringing a couple of innocent heads into this mixture of shit would destroy me. First they would have to deal with a freak being their father. Then, after they realise I was right about everything ( see how easy it is to live with me ) they would have to deal with the rest of the world pissing them off. Then of course having to deal with an ecosystem thats crumbling around them, pollution inherited from my generation and on back. Its bullshit to expect a new round of peeps to handle the mess we've created.

Infertility should be in the drinking water.

Christ, and then simpleminded fucks taxing every medical advance possible to make their desert of a womb habitable for a fetus. Squeezing out five or six larvae at once after their egg sacks over-react from the manufactured hormones splashed in them. Can't even get the people whom nature decided shouldn't have kids to stop fucking breeding.

Complicating my anger is the myre of parenthood I see roaming the planet. Every family of stupids I encounter raises my desire levels to become dictator of the world. All praises due to anyone who is doing all they can to make their kids into decent adults. But, all you have to do is observe the streets about ten minutes after school lets out to know the majority of parents are slacking. And for that they should be skinned.

Warms the cockles of the heart don't it? Fuck it. I want a five year breeding moratorium enacted for the entire bubble. Immediately. No joke.

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