New York City 1948

12:07 a.m.-2002-12-29

careful falling nuts

Problem with jerkin off or having sex at least four times a day, is that your balls become accustomed to that schedule. Miss one day, just one, for whatever reason, and the boys get crampy. Bumping up against the walls of my jeans, no nut position is comfy. Can't go cold turkey on the spurt.

Walking around like a cow with a filled to capacity udder, desperately needing to be milked. Silly fucking deviant.

If I actually can find a chick who I'd want to fuck all day long, we'll both be in trouble. Calling out sick from work to screw. Avoiding social gatherings with friends to screw. Letting our parents drone on the answering machine, so we can continue screwing.

Course, this would rely on finding a chick who travels along the same sexual mentality paths as me. Whom I would never tire of lusting after her image. Who has a fucking brain in her head, refraining from any and all possible female spirituality type shtick. Including tarot cards, star signs, and past lives. Especially the star charts shit. If you will or won't suck my cock cause I'm a leo, well I ain't got time for that party. If you are about to say something like "....that is so leo", save it for the circus. The only good thing about meeting a chick neck deep into spirituality, fervently talking about the kaballah revelation she had during a reiki massage and aroma therapy session, is that you can bank that she will have your cock in her very soon.

Spiritual chicks drop to their knees faster than a hooker during fleet week.

Honestly, finding an athiest type female who doesn't look like a butchy dyke or an uptight bland librarian is extremely difficult. Most hot chicks believe in a higher power. Maybe because most hot chicks go through twelve step programs? Kidding. Unless that one felt personal, and then......gotcha!

( Whining ) Why are looks so important to you men? I don't really know. And I don't really care. If I don't find you physically attractive, my soldier will not salute. No boner, no sex. No sex, no relationship. Boom. My ideas of what is cute usually differs from the majority of the locker room. Still, if my ideas of cute are not inhabited by you, I will be incapable of fucking you. I'm obviously not enough of an intellectual to rationalise myself out of pure biological urges. And I never want to be that smart ever.

On top of everything else it is practically impossible to discover the pearl in the ocean of oysters that doesn't want a family. I just do not want to get married or have kids. This is not a phase. Thought this way since I was thirteen. Back then I just didn't think it was something I would like. Now, there are lists of external reasons not to bring munchkins into this place.

Complicated by the fact that almost every woman I meet insists I would be an incredible father. And they are right. I would be. I'd probably also be an amazing cocksucker. Not gonna start becoming an amatuer swordsman to find out. And there will be no packs of spanky monkey clones for me.

Self imposed curse of perpetual single life. Meaningless sex for the rest of my days. Fortunately I often enjoy being alone. Revel in it. Balls not always happy with that decision.

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