New York City 1948

8:30 a.m.-2003-01-29

public enemy number what

My monster movie character quote: "I want to bite your skull!". Gotta be a brain eater. Nutcracker teeth. Sup on victim's grey matter like a bluejay snacking on a sparrow egg.

Wind up getting sued by some weakling parent after their offspring tried to make a meal out of the family pet's head. Parents love blaming fiction and music for having their dimwitted children perform deft defying acts of stupidity. I suppose your degenerate gene pool and piss poor parental practices had nothing to do with it.

I should be the judge for all consumer lawsuits.

Your honor, I thought launching myself across the canyon with the giant slingshot would be fine. I saw Wile E. Coyote do it. And the worst that happened to him is that his body turned into an accordian. I had no idea my bones would break when I slammed into the ground from hundreds of feet up. D'uhoi!

All prasises due to the justice of the peace who threw out the fastfood case. Tubs of grease suing Crackdonalds cause they didn't know eating deep fat fried potatoes, chopped beef with mayonnaise sauce, and hot apple pies everyday would lead to having a lardass. Should be forced to ride a treadmill in a three ring circus for five years. And the lawyer who inspired the suit should rot from their genital orifices.

Just saw a report that some children were arrested in Long Island for chopping their mother up in the bathtub. The headline said it was inspired by a scene from the Sopranos. Wonderful. You can smell the class action coming. Maybe we should investigate what kind of environment these kids grew up in that made them think that putting their mother on the butcher's block was a fantastic idea. No no, thats too difficult, lets just pass the blame onto popular media. Obviously it's the art's fault for the way people respond to it. Fuckers.

Looks like conservatism is back in too. The retard prince is drooling and rubbing his palms just waiting for a Supreme Court Justice to retire so he can insert his own tightass dickwad. Gonna make a fetus, no matter what stage of cellular development, have the same rights as people outside the womb. So, bye bye legal abortions, hello wire coat hangers in a back alley.

So surely, I am predicting that very soon the highest court in the land will make creators of fiction responsible for the actions of people. Cause looking at ourselves for fault flys in the face of Western commerce and brainwashing religion.


Had zero interest in watching that mental midget spin his tales. As if he, and the wealthy men pulling his strings, actually understands the state of the union. The state of people struggling on the streets. The state of decency. The state of our status as the last "superpower".

I will never participate in these political machinations as long as my choices include these assholes. To hell with the current state of American politics. Spew your disease around the globe without my support.

Yep, the brain has been on overdrive. Until they invade my thoughts and regulate my cranial activity, I will think as ill of them as I want. Waiting for the black helicopter on the roof of my apartment building, operatives breaking in to finish my freedom of speech. Can't let a freethinker influence all the sheep buying fabric softner.

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