New York City 1948

8:16 a.m.-2003-01-28

less charming

Way to go Oakland. Did some ignorant cops get their brutality case thrown out of court by a lily white judge? Upset that we are going to war and protesting? Corporations befouling the earth, yet keeping all the profits to themselves, supporting the creation of a permenant underclass making you so angry that you have to organise on the streets? No, your hometeam lost a football game. Good reason to set cars on fire, you tards.

Granted, all the social calamities are producing some justifiably negative feelings throughout the country, and especially for the lower echelons in this tanked economy. One word. FOCUS. Nothing would please me more than the people storming en masse to demand that changes be made. Change = revolution. Unfortunately, the whole majority of people being dimwitted slaves to commercials, patriotic propaganda, and church rhetoric hinders the possibilities of constructive group action.

But those damn city light posts have to come down! Awarded with a stay at the human zoo. Feeding time is always my favorite at the rioters cage.

I'd like to form the Common Sense Squad. Would require cybernetic full body battlesuits, unfettered access to all the world's information, and an moderately sized army of like minded individuals. Would have to be above the law. Scary concept I know. But the people in charge already, who persecute people within the law as well as out of it, don't seem to have any qualms determining fates.

Patrolling the streets, smacking people on the head for acting retarded. Double-parking your car on a busy Manhattan street? Break out the power rods and dimple the entire body of that fucking automobile. Any jerkstinks talking during the movie at the theater, has a bucket of spoiled lard shoved in their overactive piehole. Any abusive skinjob smacking their kids or pets around takes a trip to the asshole cages for a couple days. Cowering in their own filth in a small pen, occasionally being zapped with a cattle prod and told how useless they are.

Benevolent tyrant. Thats what I aspire to. Believe me people, if for whatever reason I was bestowed with powerful technological gifts from some alien race, to hold office as Commander of the Human Populace, I would rule with a hard fist. Everyone would have to pull their fair share. Everyone would have to carry some weight on their backs.

Grrrrrr, people who require exceedingly more than their fair share really makes my nutsack recoil into my pelvis. The people that insist that my quality of life be lessened so that they can have an easier go at things. Fuck those weak pieces of turd.

Especially emotional usurpers. Anyone needing an egregious amount of coddling so that their soap bubble thick skin doesn't get bruised is someone I never want to deal with. Never even want to hear of their existence. Constantly in need of assurance and validation. Fuckin steel up ya whiny bitch.

My tolerance for the lowest common denominator of society is thin as water vapor. A steam I'm blowing out of my way and wiping from my glasses.

I hope everybody realises that the recent escalations of warfare are completely a result of ignorant dunglicks saying and doing stupid shit. Stupidity is a problem. Stupidity ain't cute. Stupidity is the worst flaw we got. Remember that when you stare at the smoking hole that used to be your normal life. I'll never forget that stupidity rubbed its stinky sphincter all over my city on a clement September morning. We must do whatever it takes to let knowledge, understanding, and intellegence rock.

This life gets less charming by the minute.

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