New York City 1948

8:12 a.m.-2003-01-27

get behind me

Yes, there are stupid questions. That tired classroom adage is bunk. If you are leaning up against the hind quarters of an elephant, it takes a dump, and then you ask; "what smells?", that's a highly imbecilic query.

So, if and when I deride you for having quizzical nonsense waft from your lips, take your effrontery and cram it. Last thing I need is to lose minutes of my life explaining common sense to you. Beat it chump.

Also, if someone, no matter how young and supposedly innocent they are, unfurls a retarded statement I will voice my displeasure as loudly and ascerbically as I see fit. Your parents should be pimp slapped for allowing you to socialise amongst a mature community, as well as filling your head with hot compost of misinformation.

Actually had some butter brained child tell me that all the scientific evidence that the earth is millions of years old is a conspiracy. That it's a lie. That the planet was created from god's spit and body odor a scant few thousand years ago. That we didn't evolve from apes. That carbon dating is inaccurate and an evil trick. Of course I was gonna drive her skull into the dirt. I'd like to kick her parents in the teeth and feed their reproductive organs to fire ants.

And when someone questions your belief in some written word, making blanket statements does not qualify as a valid response. If I ask you how it was possible that Noah collected two of every creature that exists, male and female, when hundreds of thousands of species of insects exists alone, and your reply is "god loves me, he loves you, jesus saves, you'll see one day." That means your side of the argument is only defendable with smoke and mirrors, not fact. Which means you are filled to the eyes with bullshit.

All you devout christians, muslims, jews, hindus, and whatever other superstitious followers are going to keep us in the intellectual dark ages and ensure that humanity is doomed. Evolution doesn't esixt? Are you out of your fucking mind? I can actually hold a fossil. I can't even smell your gods. Oh I see, some horned devil created the entire archaeological record to bend us scientific minded types to his demonic will.

I will not entertain any religious argument whatsoever anymore. I will not take any lord consideration into any solution. You got a god crutch? Go fuck yourself. Either grow up or fade away. I am done with the half steppin. You are the entire cause of all of humanity's woes. It is the fault of the pious that we swim in shit. I don't know of a crime worse than that.

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