New York City 1948

2:14 p.m.-2003-02-08

what's missing from the bar?

Ever accidentally, or not so accidentally, taken E and then have to tinkle in a public restroom? Moaning and grinding the urinal. Looking like a mutt getting scratched behind the ear, leg twitching. E piss feels good. Orgasm pee. Viewing this activity probably could unsettle the most stalwart of freaks.

I personally don't mind being twisted amongst the sober. Not gonna let them ruin my high. Although office antifun criminals can kill a buzz real quick. I usually avoid being under the influence at the jobby job. Only advantage to the overnight shift was the absence of manager type audiences. I giggled my way through those nights often.

Singing a makeshift song called Bills, Bills, Bills to the tune of Crue's Girls, Girls, Girls. Blurts of seemingly inappropriate laughter. Cartoon noises casually escaping my lips. It's not me being the one worried about what's going on in my head. Let my coworkers fret.

I haven't had a drop of nutritious liquor in over two months. The drunkard habits of others have kept me from socialising. I was gonna snap. Infuriates me when people repeat asshole drunk behavior.

I admitted to myself that I don't act right on coke or shrooms. So you know what? I don't do them. Well, I only do shrooms if I'm in an area where people won't care if I have to be horizontal for an extended period of time. Gravity and other laws of physics don't seem to work very well for me when I've chewed the fungus. Plus conversational skills seem to take a vacation on me as well. Cause, instead of listening to what people say, I'm trying to figure out where their voice is originating from. It's certainly not coming from their mouth! So, yeah.

And jajo? I can hurt feelings with my normal straight uninfluenced ascerbic wit and put downs. Most people know it's all good natured. Except for tards I genuinely don't like. In those cases I'm trying to get them to cry into their pillows later that night. But snorting the marching powder turns me into a less charming Don Rickles. Saying things like "Nice tits, what plastic surgeon did you have to felch to get the headlights upgraded?".

I wish the alcohol weaklings that invade my hood would grow up. So sorry, too bad so sad. You don't know how to play in the sandbox, get the fuck out. Turning into a grabby, non sequitor spewing, bumbling, rambunctious, obnoxious problem should clue you into the fact that maybe liquor ain't for you. My favorites are the winners that want to start fights after their tolerance levels tank. I have zero sympathy, and will refrain from getting anyone's back, when they sink themselves into a world of shit not knowing how to handle their booze.

So I stopped going out for awhile. Didn't think it would be healthy or free from men with badges having me hunched over the hood's of their squad cars, if I started bitch slapping drinks out of people's hands as they were taking sips. Just can't tolerate tard drinking.

Plus my own increasing penchant for drunk sex was disappointing me as well. Most of them were hot or cute. No head clutching over sleeping with a horse. Relax, some sensitive goodie will find them attractive one day. Fuck off anyway, I don't mind being somewhat shallow. Keeps my dick wet and happy.

Trying to end the drunk sex. Drunk sex is stupid. Well, stupid for me.

I've been debating when I'll make a return visit to the social scene. Some clarity of thinking has occured lately. Not that it's a great thing. My mind being clear only increases my insane brain activity. Certainly doesn't help the insomnia. Have to dust off the cape and patrol the streets again.

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