New York City 1948

3:16 p.m.-2003-03-07

land lost and directionless

Ever seen your dog map out the spacial parameters of your home with it's head? Lived with a mutt that would slam haphazardly into the walls of our apartment. Took a few weeks but the memory bumps on that critter's head finally took hold. Bits of fur embedded into the drywall.

Little snot rocket. You'd be casually talking and petting her and she'd launch a nasal spray in your face. Probably halfpint's only defense against strange human tauntings.

Might have been retaliating for all the verbal jabs I took at her. Couldn't help it if the bugger had a perfect rice pocket. Torso built extremely well for stuffing. Shit can get rough in this city. Baked dog might start sounding real tasty after licking the remnants out of tin cans. I can make believe it's an Easter goat cooked in a hearthen oven in the side of a Greek craggy hill. Don't ask for an explanation there.

The orange hued pooch was devastatingly stupid. And with my predjudice towards dogs of considerable size, I classified her a rat dog. Rat dogs don't get much spect. Yappy and ankle nipping. Give me a canine I can wrassle and takes up my whole big white boy lap when they snuggle. So, halfwitted diminutive mucus bazooka mutt took some convincing to be appreciated.

She moved back to St. Louis when her owner decided that Gotham was not her keg o' brew. A decision I agreed with wholeheartedly. If you genuinely don't like this town, please leave. Streaming complaints of how much everything sucks makes the faithful citizenry somewhat preturbed. I know it rankled my yams. Short and curlies just trembling.

Reminds me of another annoying voiced Midwesterner that I used to work with at Stinko's. She announced loudly one day that she was leaving this "pit". Persuing her talents in massage therapy. Massage is a valiant career to be sure, as I have been appreciative of the hand kneading my knots on occasion. But, many people who have told me they were gonna study massage therapy have been serious a-class flakes. She fit the description.

So, she asks if we are gonna throw her a going away party. And my homie from Mars said "Yeah, if it's at the bus station." Dope.

Can't really apologise for fervently loving NYC. Or spouting apparent "typical" New Yorkerisms and attitude. Don't really care if observers think it rude or cruel to relish in the expulsion of herbs that couldn't cut it here. New York City saved my life. New York City froze the possible insanity brewing in the skull. New York City knew I belonged here, and made room for me. I will find no shame in the pride I have for my NYC citizenship.

I might just have to go wilding on the streets tonight. Feeling good, feeling good.

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