New York City 1948

2:41 p.m.-2003-03-19

chink in the grumpy armor

I can read. Sweet sweet bibliotheque in the sky! I can everlovin read!

The new specs have strengthened up the lousy right eye. Prescription forcing it to function, can't be a lazy bitch. No more double imaging and soft focused print edges. I can fucking read!

I actually started weeping slightly with joy after reading the fifth page of Realware by Rudy Rucker. Still can only read about a hundred pages before my eyes crap out. Sight starts wobbling after about a hundred pages. But before that I can read print!

Woke up early to read my book. Rushed through my wake up shower so I could enjoy the printed word in glorious muted sunlight. Indirect soft glow best to read by. Rubbing my hands together. Smirking at my book as I brush my teeth. I......can........reeeeeeeaaaaaad!

Rifled through my collection. Pulled every book out that I procured but was, as of yet, unable to consume. Nice stack of novels waiting in a row. Conquer one after the other. Finish them off and become excited to trot on over to the bookstore. Mmmmmm, local bookstore, smelling of paper pulp and binder's glue. Descend into the shop like Errol Flynn and announce triumphantly; "Behold fair public it is a new day! For I, sire spanky, shall read!".

These radiant emanating work shackle devices will no longer make me their wage slave bitch. I can glue the face to a monitor all shift and still have powers enough to read. Gonna give this fucking thing the finger everyday. No longer will you tyrannically hold the only possibility of text going into my brain. Foul creature, I can read!

Did I mention that I can read?

Holy snotlord. Gloriously punched the off switch on the boob tube. No televisual surplants of culture. Say it with me now. I can read!

My piles of books no longer a morose reminder of when I would whittle away hours, spending time in words colored by my own internal voice. It was like a quadriplegic dancer having to stare at his tap shoes taunting him. Or a newly deaf person running his fingers over his vinyl, hopin the music will resonate through his fingers. My collection not a torture device. My books returned to being my friends.

I am ever so thankful that I can, once again, read. The books, she has come back, no?

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