New York City 1948

2:39 p.m.-2003-03-21

yah little doggies

Chili con carne with champaign. Obsessed with this recipe developed in my brain. Steamy bowls of spicy goodness dancing in the air. No functional kitchen to masterfully whip it up.

Sautee onions, garlic and jalapenos in olive oil till stuff gets somewhat translucent. Toss in whatever type meat ya want, I prefer shredded beef. Brown the meat with some salt and pepper. Then dump in the chili powder and other dry spices, I like ancho or serrano powder, something dark and earthy. Then when all that has intermingled properly and become nice and caramelised, send in the glorious cup or so of champaign. Reduce it down to a sticky mixture. Finish off with whatever combo of broth, tomatos, herbs and beans ya want. Yurmy yurmy.

No blasted proper kitchen to make it in. Ancient stove gas leaky. Silly sublet chick nearly poisoned us both on her last visit. Decided, in her inebriated state, to reheat a leftover grilled cheese in the broiler and then proceeded to pass out.

Woke up with an acrid plug in my throat. Smoke alarms piercing my eardrums. Miss bad decisions unaffected, sprawled out like a beached jellyfish on the couch. Grrrrrr. Snapped her out of her delusional world and admonished. Don't fucking use the goddamn oven again!

Isn't it okay to slap people that consistently make retarded mistakes? Near catastrophies one after another not learnin them. Maybe a high hand will. Stupid giggling apologies only make it harder for my hand to heel at my side.

No fucking home training.

Anyway, back to the chili perspective. I was ruminating on the potential, and I think highly probable, near future occurences of having to go without.

The beef industry is just devastating to the environment. The amount of energy it takes to produce just one calf for consumption far outweighs most other protein sources. It certainly doesn't show positive returns on the amount of nutrition or hunger satiation we derive from it. Vast amounts of land needed, and newly deforested land at that.

Sheeit, while that ruddy sinewy flesh is available I'll still partake. But, if intelligence wins out and it is decided that consumer beef should become an extreme rarity, I'll be in full support.

Without people giving up on harvesting certain creatures, especially seafood, they will just go away. Last remnants of some species will only be chartable in rectums. The lifeline will literally go down the toilet.

It amazes me how blissfully people trod through life consuming completely unaware of the ticking clock. Do people know that bananas and chocolate are currently rapidly going extinct? With the banana we have bred the fruits to be anti seed so much so that they can no longer polinate properly. And the aggressive farming practices of the human race have made the specific soil required to grow cocoa beans to be depleted. Sorry all the PMS bound folks out there, your choky treats are becoming an artifact.

I know I am entirely faithless in earthling's abilities to cope with a permenant global lent. I've seen hissy fits over supermarkets running out of cool ranch flavored junk food. What do you mean I can't have a steak anymore?!? Weak ass race we are.

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