New York City 1948

8:04 p.m.-2003-07-10

two drink minimum and this shit would be funny to ya

I've been desperately trying to construct a joke out of plastic hangers. Cause if you think about it, with plastic hangers dominating the wardrobe suspending marketplace, the whole illegal alleyway abortion argument is moot.

Infernal standup material generator in my left lobe better construct a viable giggle out of that soon. Floating pictures of fetuses and plastic hangers distracting the sleep commands. Don't wanna have to stick a wire hanger up my nose and pick one out myself. It would segue so sweetly from my alien pod rectum baby abortion opener.

Nurse, fetch me litres of frozen Stoli, white widow chronic and a fresh pack of rolling papers. Stat! We're losing him dammit, we're fucking losing him!

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