New York City 1948

6:19 p.m.-2003-09-12

overhyped flappings

Why break recent traditions? This thing has a two day marathon run. Speeeeeork.

More avoiding of some potential incendiary wordmines in the face. Incense diary. Subtle yet ostentatious braingrape. I suspect insemination during the Seventies era. Indeed, sharp toungue old man. Well done.

Football is here. Did I say soccer muthafucka? Ai'ight then. Sit your scarf wearin ass down. Football is my favorite sport, I like the way the pig spirals up and down, the, court? They're playin fo-oot-baaaaaallll, freestylin fo-oot-baaaaaallll.

The corporate partnership involved in performing great feats of convincing people that lite beer commercials are important popular culture, is obviously distasteful. The gridiron competition is appreciated with active defenders of sanity diffusing the effects of subliminal influences. Advertising is muted at the very least within my dust circle. Also, pro sport humor? Stick strictly to blooper style camp chuckles school of thought. Saucy repartee between ex-jocks and sarcastic comedians loses it's rosy coloring before halftime.

Still, where else can you see a winning coach rally around a movie character? Jon Gruden, coach of the Tampa Bay Bucs, utilised the visage of "ROCKY!", to inspire feelings of greatness of the victory over The Birds, in they own house and shit. Rocky. Rocky Balboa. Sylvester Stallone? Erected a metal statue to commemorate his jubilious trek up the museum's hard Philly concrete steps? Made a farcical amount of sequels? One of the most overhyped flappings of greasy dick ever made by mankind?

Pardon the sledgehammer in your skull.

I saw a, not very, very is not it, very isn't room temperature enough. Moderately interesting, slightly annoying, verging on this side of twisted movie. "Carnages" Francais and Espanol ( like I would figure out how to use accented letter fonts ) intermingling between a bull's body parts. I have a sneaking suspicion that if myself and the audience spoke either of those languages we might have grasped the mint candy center.

The characters will not behave the way you want them to. Your focal point will refuse to stray from the intense philosophy. I wanted to leave about three quarters of the way through, strictly cause I am an insomniac and this movie had the cure. Doubled edged cure. Moments of sincere interest forced me to snap awake, as if the cure also released certain synapses.

The ultimate point is, unstable humans should not sign up for that cinematic experience. Recommendations for viewing unencumbered from biological influences are strongly suggested. Biologic.

Scurry down the rabbit hole!

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