New York City 1948

2:38 p.m.-2003-10-04

dippin down to quart low

Not having had a Friday and Saturday off in many moons, I quite didn't know how to deal. Lesse, what exactly have I accomplished over the beginning two stretches of a fashioned long weekend? A couple lantern twistings, incrementally self administered over the course of the day. Check. Jerking off like a seventeen year old who was just given the family basement as his "area"? Check. Whole lot of pondering? Double check.

So, in celebration of an abundance of beneficial contemplation, spiked with the sticky emerald fibers, I will continue with the wisdom of spanky.

I wonder how many accidental razor deaths are in our past. Sure, men learned to expertly slide the edge of a sharp blade across the saplings of their whiskers. Doesn't take much of an imagination to conjure up scenarios where a straight razor could inadvertantly sever some blood vessels. Maybe safety razors should be de riguer in favor of the chic danger of the facial dagger.

Sissifuss the god? Alright I know it's actually spelt in this new English version of an ancient Greek term as Sisyphus. But it sounds a whole lot like Sissifuss. And as godly monickers go, Sissifuss is, well, sissy.

Sex tourism is Baby Bush's latest distraction technique. The elephants accused hound dog Clinton of all means of slight of hand to keep the public's minds off of his apparent misgivings. Bushie, um, you oughta stop tossing those stones just about now. Out of control Mid East situation and spiralling economic misfortune of the electorate far too huge to successfully dangle a sparkly anti porn bauble in the face of the sheep. Retard.

Faith based operatives. Faith based organisations. Yeah, we don't wanna lead the world down a devisive path of my god versus your god jihads. Way to funnel and misdirect my tax dollars towards the support of some evangelising cumrags. If you present me with a pew instead of the streets, I'll take the streets anyday. Fucking flea infested blanket assholes.

I'm just preparing myself for the role of a lifetime. My portrayal in the upcoming bio pic of Ron Jeremy's life. Would have to have carpets of fur glued to my frame. Oh, and seeing as homie is swinging a twelve club, might have to glue a little something else extra on as well.

Speaking of porn stars. If anyone can convince Jezabelle Bond that I represent all she needs in a man, I would wish many riches on your descendants and many hummers on your buttons. Don't really know much about this woman other than the rich dark shade of her velvet hair, her cherubic facia, her mascarpone flesh, the curvy delights that are her feet, and the cinnamon wet that is her pussy. My faith in justice would be restored if she actually has a brain in her skull as well.

Maui would be a good name. Maui Zimmersmit. Ah, yeah, Zimmersmit. Decided my alterego last name, if I decide to write stories based on my experiences, would be Zimmersmit. Maui would be such an excellent name for a chick. Wasn't thinking of calling myself Maui Zimmersmit in books. Prolly be something like Max Zimmersmit. Max and Maui growing up in their Midwest Zimmersmit household.

Aquabatic. From what I can tell this has yet to be recorded as a word in, at least, well, one online dictionary publication. Which doesn't confirm it's unique genesis spawning from my grey stuff. However, if it actually has never been recorded, I would officially like to plant the spank flag of creativity on Aquabatic. It's mine ya understand, all mine. Mine mine mine. Get back ya hear.

Consequences schmonsequences.

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