New York City 1948

10:46 a.m.-2003-10-07

hot press


I like being a slacker. I have set parameters on how long this slacker event will last. Feh, already hopped on a couple responsibility tasks. This in no way degrades the slack. All hail slack.

Seeing as ease is the way of the walk, I will continue with passive updating inspired from the notebooks. Plenty of random and even studied thoughts have been stampeding through the canals. These thoughts deserve properly gelled spotlights.

Ensign, set a course for freak. Engage!

Awesome program on Nova revolving around the lost manuscripts of the finest mathematician ever to breath Terran air. Archimedes. Those not in the know, this is the chap who invented pi, and is credited by forming the firmament of modern numbers. He wrote the sum total of his knowledge in a diary of sorts. As the dark ages of faith crept in, the values of Archimedes were swept under the heels of ignorance. Indeed, the possessors of the invaluable document were christian lap dogs. As they ran out of parchment, they cut the book in half, washed the text from the pages, inverted it, bound down the middle, and scripted christian prayers over the bleached words of Archimedes.

Years of search and subsequent restoration after it's retrieval, the book has been mostly decifered. It shows that Archimedes not only began geometry, but he solidly grasped the concepts of calculus, centuries before it was formulated in this modern world.

Good old religion. The acme of intelligence blighting awarded to christianity. Granted the Romans began the deity nonsense, and after conquering Greece, silenced much of the enlightenment coming from her scholars. But, we can thank christianity for holding back the human race on another instance of it's ignorant cruelty. Deliberately attempting to destroy the greatest mathematical mind in order to support their efforts in coating people's eyes in butter and filling their ears with molten silver.

Basically, the human race could have been where we are at today, at least a couple hundred years ago. Not necessarily the best of scenarios if all the business pricks salivated over it. Although, if it means that humanity would have extinguished itself earlier, I'd be all for it.

As a species go, we are king jerks. Making the world our toilet and our ashtray. Cleaving mountains. Redirecting rivers. Extracting any mineral or organic fossilised compound to create machinations and the murky fuel to power them. And religion would tell you that we are special, divine. That providence proclaims us to hover above, unaffected, by the spoiling, raping and scorching of the planet. Religion tells itchy triggers that it's their right to drill holes in all the gifts their god dispensed on them.

Course, despots exist that believe themselves to be carved in marble. Their underlings to set the fat of the land at their feet. China has proclaimed that space will be theirs for profit. They even have plans to mine the moon. Good idea. Why not continue the reaming beyond our stratosphere. I'm sure taking metric tons from the moon, planting them on the earth, will have no negative effects whatsoever. Not like the moon does anything useful like help regulate the tides, or simply to inspire a sense of awe for nature.


In other news. I am all in favor of handing over the TARDIS to Eddie Izzard. He would make a fantastic Doctor. Put the contract in front of him immediately. In the most ungay way this can sound, I would love to be one of his companions. Yes please. Make Eddie Izzard the next Doctor Who. This yankee televisual Anglofile mightily approves. Yee haw.

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