New York City 1948

7:05 p.m.-2003-10-08

is for kids

You loonie left coasters. The Terminator for governor? Really? That, like, actually happened? A record setting number of you marched into the polls and voted the muscle bound Austrian bully into office? Ya might rabbit, ya might. Silly rabbits.

For whatever reason the toon where Bugs had the little gangsters in the oven, and O'Shea the cop suggests that he might just turn on the gas and light a match, reminds me of the Cali recall. Ya might rabbit, ya might.

It does add a severe comical avenue for me. For that, I thank you Cali. I am in much favor of giggles. Sure, could lead to some weird alter future where Arny has a tight clenched fist around the necks of the citizens of the last super power. Huge marble statue of him astride his magnificent Hummer. I mean, the movies that suggest such a thing is possible are made from the exact same state he just claimed control of. Coincidence?

The ultimate problem with majority rules, is that it crucially relies on the public, the majority, to have spent time in a beneficial and enlightened educational system. Ahem.

Based on my own experience with public schools I can say we're screwed. You think the majority of our nation's citizens send their children to public school? You think the majority of the children that go to private institutions receive a better education? I spent large amounts of time in both systems. We're screwed.

The ideals of democracy are a dandy basket of candy. I'd skip around tossing treats from it if it was actually working. The sheer numbers of new retards I encounter on a daily basis confirms the failure of our system. They all want us to be big dumb blondes with wide loose sphincters, without opinions or deep thoughts. Controlling democracy is easy when the majority, the majority that "votes" everything into action, is a bunch of cloudy sheep.

Why would the people who claim to wrap the largest red, white and blue condoms on their enormous patriotic shafts, support and continue a system that allows people to lick sewer drains for sustenance? To allow children to graduate without being able to read? To turn a blind eye towards those suffering from mismanaged health care? Easier to keep limbless creatures under your bootheel.

Well well well, mr. ranty woke up today.


Is there something irrevocably enticing about a man who refuses to clamp on a finger shackle or allow his seed be used for breeding purposes? Is that like the best catch for you big game hunters? Finest head on the wall. The confirmed stubborn bachelor. Years of female circle bragging rights about taming the wildest of the beasts. Good to know if it's true.

I'm gonna go be naughty now. Peace out my nappysacks.

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