New York City 1948


bad shrimp

I ate some bad shrimp on tuesday. Actually dragged myself into work on wednesday. All the way to work on the train I got progressively dizzier, sweatier, and more nauseous. I guess I must of looked like a heroin addict going through withdrawals cause my manager looked at me as I walked in and said "go home."

So I'm at home shaking and sweating, and after many pills and bong hits I pass out. I had a very disturbing dream. I was chasing down my dog Laszlo or Lash. He's a Viszla, looks like a Weimereiner but samller and rust colored. He actually lives with my parents in St.Louis. We were running down the middle of a street in downtown St.Louis. Traffic is narrowly missing us both, and me screaming at the top of my lungs for him to stop. I don't remember specifically why he was running away from me, but I do remember it was because I hurt him somehow. I had this overwhelming sense of guilt as I was trying to get him out of traffic. We hit an intersection and he veers left. As he does this an uncomming bus veers to it's right. I jump in front of it and put my hand out trying to will the bus to stop. it goes around me and looks as if it will miss Lash too. Then the bus fishtails and the back end of the bus slams into him, sending his limp body tumbling onto the sidewalk. Initially I start chasing after the bus, intent on murdering the bus driver. And somehow a few of my coworkers appear and point to Lash. He's not moving. I run to him a pick him up, and he's got the most pained expression on his face, and he's gasping for air. I am enraged and tears stream down my face. At that moment I wake up heart pounding, and I am actually crying my ass off. I'm having a hard time breathing because of the violent sobbing, and my face is clogged with snot. My stomach flips and I vomit everywhere. I'm actually trying to hold back the tears just thinking about it now.

Now I'm actually looking forward to visiting the folks for Thanksgiving so I can snuggle up to my pooch.

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