New York City 1948


brain info time travel

I want a device that will transport the info that I have in my brain now and deposit it into my brain when I was four. I would know that sugar is bad for me and won't eat all those Jolly Ranchers. I would know all the bullshit that people tried to sell me as truth. When the hormones kick in I would know how to kiss a girl, dance, dress, and general information on making chicks shiver with pleasure. I'd know all the companies to invest money in. I would take up kung-fu at an early age, cause if you don't start early enough you can never be a master. Never would take up smoking, cigarettes, wink wink. Would definitely try LSD at an earlier age, not while I'm in grade school or anything like that, but when I was a teen. They'd have to recognize that I obviously had an adult brain in a child's body. I'd get to go to advanced schools, and choose a more desirable life path at an earlier age. Writer/Actor/Comedian/Artist/Philosopher/Entrepenuer/Poet/Producer whatever the fuck I want.

Of course I could try to focus on reality and bettering my future. But fuck that its not as fun.

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