New York City 1948


back in black

Back from the midwest. I let my computer muscles relax. Fuckin good to be back in the saddle though.

Driving around St.Louis was almost etherial. I don't know why but every time I hopped in the car the view made my mind imagine weird shit. The open landscapes being abrubtly interrupted by islands of commerce. The suburbs with each home having a different character. Open shades - closed shades. I fantacized about breaking in and terrorizing some family, just to change the mundane schedule they were used to. I wound up in the supermarket almost everyday. They're like delis on a speedball. The road to excess. Watching people fondle their fruits, impressed with the firmness. Its too confusing, produce, meat, photo developers, pharmacy, patio furniture, movie rentals, flowers. Its like a Pollack painting, everything is there and nothing is readily available.

Thanksgiving dinner was at my sister's inlaw's. Luckily they handed me my own bottle of champaigne. Which I polished off before dinner even hit the table. Having to explain New York, the internet, facial hair, black clothes, general other than midwest banality crap to the uninitiated all night long. At least they can throw down a feast. And liquor always flows. Saving grace.

Saw the Grinch with my parents. Insulted the Chuck Jones/Boris Karloff version. If it ain't broke don't break it and then try to fix it. Once again Hollywood deserves a spanking.

Hooked up with an ex-girlfriend. My mother, bless her foibles, always announces my visits like the savior coming in on a mule. She contacts all the old flames. Its pretty sick too. I always end up rekindling old lusts (whether they are married or not - oops). Or, I hang out with them and their girlfriends at some bar, and my mack comes out. They think I'm interesting cause I'm from NY, dress different, think different. Its actually depressingly easy.

Come back to New York. Had to deal with midtown to get my key from my buddy who took care of my cat. At one point we might have been averaging one block per light cycle. I have never seen my knuckles so white. And the cabbie I got to take me downtown decided to go through Times Square. Vodka was necessary.

Travelling is over. I can avoid midtown until holiday hell is done. My geek is back in control, and I have dived back into the IT world. New York is a beautiful place. Viva the mighty freak magnet.

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