New York City 1948


crackity crack crack

I think they should make a camera that looks like an automatic pistol. But like an exact replica of a .45. Film is loaded in the magazine. To advance the film you'd have to cock it. And of course the trigger would snap the photo. Fun for the whole family.

Sign of the apocalypse. I saw a chick sporting leg warmers. Not as a joke, serious fashion statement. Why do people want to bring back the eighties? If you don't learn from your mistakes your doomed to repeat them. Next thing you know the news will report that gay men are dying of some mysterious "cancer". The reunification of the USSR will have five nuclear warheads targeted at every american citizen. Freebase rock heroin will be the new ghetto drug. Marijuana traffic will dry up (thats when it becomes personal, as Bugs Bunny says "of course you know this means war"). Stupid hair will be back, new versions of the mullet and geri curl run rampant. It will become mandatory that married couples seperate no later than ten years together. It will not be pretty.

It should be this simple. You see someone you think is bed material in a social setting. You walk up to them. "Fuck?" Response number one - "Fuck" and you two bounce away to the nearest bed. Response number two - "Nope" and you go back to your respective drinks.

I am going to burrow into my hole. Playing with my root companions. Worms and ants throw a party in my sleeping pile. Marking my territory with berry laden piss. Distinctive howls that shiver the hardest of men. Don't go into the east village thats where the spank beast lives.

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