New York City 1948


retards, thats right retards, are ruining this goddamn place, and fuck you if you don't like the term retard

We must improve the breed. We can't allow stupid people to continue to create more stupid people. If there is one thing that working on a support line has taught me is that there are way too many retards in this world. Look, you need a license to drive a car, catch fish, own pets, operate weapons, serve food. Why not to raise children. You have to take a series of tests and if you fail you don't get to produce offspring. You can retake the test, but after five failures you are sterilized. And you must register for children every seven years, and if you fail the children are taken away from you while you go to school to smarten up. You are only allowed to see your children when you can pass the test again.

Who will make this test? Me god dammit. There will be a tolerance test to see if you have any ignorant views of any ethnicity, religion, sex, or sexual orientation. Of course if you denounce all organized religions you get big points. There will have to be a common sense test. Would you stand at the top of the subway stairs blocking traffic to ask for directions? Would you think sticking your tongue in a wall socket to be funny party gag? Would you think locking your dog up in your car in the middle of the summer with the windows rolled up a good idea? Do you know that tipping is not a town in China? There would have to be a cultural section. If you think Friends, Planet Hollywood, Nascar racing, Nsync, The Family Circle, Reader's Digest, and any movie with Adam Sandler are the best that western culture has to offer then your reproductive organs are so carteurized.

I swear if these retards keep breeding and continue to fuck this earth up I'll start eating them. No joke, if the earth is going to hell because stupid people don't get their tubes cut, their children gonna be my lunch. Sneer now, but you'll be begging me for a bit of feeb rump roast when the shit hits the fan.

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