New York City 1948


the society for protecting and preserving breasts

Tits are cool. I don't wanna go out on a limb here. But tits are cool.

There is nothing I can observe for as long as I can tits. Nothing in nature can beat them. The Grand Canyon is magnificent in its splendor. But I definitely would stop admiring the Grand Canyon if there were tits about. Nothing in art beats em. Mona Lisa vs. tits. Ding ding ding, we have a winnah, tits by a devastating knockout. Tits are cool.

Ok, now that we are in agreement that tits rule. Why do some of you wanna go and shove crap up inside of them. That changes tits from being a Fonzie to a Potsie. All of the sudden they feel like inflatable beach toys. Not hardly as much fun to run your tongue across. I don't want to have to worry about poking my eye out when charging into foreplay. And , where before, they moved with the grace of reeds waving in a summer breeze, now they jerk around like weeble wobbles. And I swear they taste different, as if their flesh is marinating in that goo.

Did you ever have an old building or park in your neighboorhood that always gave you a warm spot when it was in your sight, and one day some asshole tore it down to put in some garish office building sky blocker? Thats what implants do to tits.

Leave the tits alone. And any guy who has or currently is pressuring his "loved" one to make the upgrade, I hope you get rapidly spreading cancer of the ass.

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