New York City 1948

8:17 p.m.-2001-04-30

i am loved

For whatever reason animals love me. I always get "He/she never snuggles up to anybody else like that." Even at the zoo, I've had goats, giraffes, elephants, bears, llamas, porcupines, snakes etc warm up to me immediately. Shocking the zoo keepers.

Probably because I don't approach any animal with fear. Unless, they are foaming at the mouth and flipping out. Then its shotgun time.

Maybe its a brain wave thing. Or maybe I give off a friendly animal smell. Which appeals to me greatly. I like the fact that I am being singled out by the critters as cooler than the rest. This is when the squirrel pops up and says "I fucking hate humans, but that spanklin is one decent mammal."

Actually, its probably because I like animals more than humans. And the wild creatures know it. I have way more respect for the four leggers than any person. During that whole owl versus loggers thing, the arguement that family's lively hoods were at stake didn't enter into it at all for me. Fuck the loggers and their families. Fuck people. We've spread destruction on every corner of the globe. Animals know how the planet should be run.

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