New York City 1948

6:21 p.m.-2001-05-29

why other countries giggle

I love that our country's figurehead always looks like a deer caught in headlights with a bad case of constipation. The thoughts and words have to be forcibly extracted by teleprompters from his brain, and his mouth is always playing catch up. He's like some cartoon character that Bugs Bunny would always fuck up. You can just see in his face that he knows his term will go down as one of the most shameful or retarded eras in U.S. history. The reluctant fool posing as king.

Its a weird mix of family corporation legacy, and royal empire lineage that got this idiot into office. His dad is a major player. Texas oil magnate, once head of the CIA, pulled Ronnie's strings for at least the last five years of their reign, and eventually sliding into the big chair. Head of the CIA. The crazy twisted shit you would have to do to become head spook gives me shivers. And I am not accusing him of anything here, but I definitely would not be shocked if poppa Bush was one of the trigger men that fateful day in Dallas on the grassy knoll. Put my number one son into the throne and I won't say a word.

This is America's version of Caligula or Nero, but not as fun. The people want violence so we'll give them the gladiator games or a nice televisable war in the middle east or asia. Too bad they won't hold orgies at the white house, where the senator's wives go on the whoring auction block. One day don't be surprised though if Bushy junior tries to appoint a horse to the supreme court. Fleabit will have to be a moderate, or he'll never make it past the house.

I can't wait to fiddle while it burns.

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