New York City 1948

3:40 p.m.-2001-06-04

back to the angry

It wasn't that long ago that we were scrounging around in the grass and dirt looking for morsels of food. Fighting off other critters to survive. Its deeply ingrained into our code. Our historical database remembers when we slept in caves or out under some tree and felt the sniff of some scavanger at our toes. Thats why most people inherantly fear animals. The reason you squeal when you see a rat or a roach is cause you instinctually know they are our strongest competitors. The roaches and the ants work harder than we do anyway, they deserve this rock.

I was watching Iron Chef japanese lobster battle for the millenium. And my friend squirmed when she saw them basically eating lobsters alive. Man, if I was out in the wilderness huntin for food, and a lobster crossed my path, I'd rip off it's claws and tear off it's back and chow down while it was still twitching. We are animals. Our biggest problem is that we think we have evolved enough to superimpose some kind of next level being formula into our genetics. But it ain't true. If we realised that we are basically grunty creatures with a an extra brain cell or two we might not trash the planet. Animals know how to run this place. In our arrogance we think we can do better than them. Folly.

Now its too late. We've wrapped our survival around technology. We can only prosper with it. Whither without it. Unfortunately it seems that the earth can't prosper with the technology route. We've tweaked evolution on an un-natural path. If someone spikes our drinking water with heavy enlightenment drugs for a decade or so maybe we could make it work, being techno dependant and organic friendly. But no, the retards are in the majority. No Star Trek utopia for us. We'll smoke this planet like a spliff.

Thats it - vasectomy time.

As an addendum, I was watching 25 years of punk on VH1. Someone was commenting on the Ramones, don't remember who. And he said it was like watching four retards banging away. And they bleeped retard.

You milky pansy liberal pc shit eating scrotum lickers. We can't say retard on the tv? This country serves up some serious dubious double talk. Land of the free my ass. I'm gonna start a band call Retards With Attitudes - RWA. First single "Fuck The Politically Correct". Anytime someone puts a camera on me I'm gonna say - retard retard ooooooooo retardino, you retarded reeeeeeeetaaaaaaaard. Please let anyone intelligent start making decisions. I've agreed not to procure weapons, but there has to be some smart people in charge.

You might hurt somebody's feelings. Awwwww, let me cry you the Mississippi, you fucking cripple. Your right I shriveled up and died when people called me four eyes, weakling, runt, commie, pinko, crazy, nerd, geek, freak, honky, white trash, weirdo, fat ass, nigger lover, fag, wigger, slacker, scrub, etc. Please ban all these words and phrases from the english language so that my fragile psyche isn't disturbed. I'm a little puffy dandelion. The slightest rude breeze and my ego buds get tossed to the wind.

I hate the weak, and those that pander to them. Goddammit they've made retard a curse word.

Too livid to continue typing.

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