New York City 1948

6:22 p.m.-2001-06-06

office slide

I was sitting here, bombarded by projects and training for my departmental move. Little bit of a breather from the onslaught of calls and emails. Started thinking how office sex would be fantastic right now.

This girl who I was chatting with mentioned how she wanted to interoffice mail her panties to a cutie she's trying to stalk. That thought didn't help in not furthering my desire to get co-worker nasty. These days I usually refrain from it, cause frankly, you shouldn't shit where you eat. I've taken a few professional knocks to know this is all too true. But if a manilla envelope was planted on my desk with a pair of fresh from the body, still kinda warm panties. I would have to arrange a company rendezvous.

Empty offices are the best. And its better if its a VIP's room, cause they got the suave furniture, usually leather. Not only is the smell of leather intoxicating, but it wipes up easily too. The threat of getting caught by one of your superiors is a tasty danger. However if it actually happens, that is a shame story that lodges itself in ya forever. Once again, I know from experience.

Conference rooms are also a quality boning spot. Always has a big table with not much to push out of the way. One caveat is that these rooms are generally of some size and don't contain too many items, so they tend to echo. The absence of sound barriers can attract the nosy. Cleaning ladies have a real knack for barging in on a bump and grind. Luckily, they usually just gasp and leave you to complete your handy work, and only spread the word to the rest of the cleaning staff. Unless you leave a little gift for them to clean up later, and then your boss might have a report from the diligent cleaner. To avoid this be a boy scout, leave the area nicer than when you left it.

Broom/utility closets can be alright. Sometimes a little tight. This can create a new position not found in the Joy of Sex or the Kamasutra. Also, the atmosphere ain't exactly romantic. But when it comes to savage urgent fucking, other senses can be put to the wayside temporarily. Since no real clean up is necessary in there, leaving soon after the deed is advisable. This will avoid any deep concentrated scanning of the rusty cans, or elongated whaffs of the mop bucket.

Under a stairwell. This is straight up grunt and fuck caveman style. You'd be surprised, this can be somewhat of a turn on. I had one chick tell me that she got excited cause it was dark, scary, and primitive. She loved getting nailed up against the concrete wall. If there is anyone around, and you are doing the civic duty you ought to be, then your noises will carry up the stairwell and be heard without difficulty by anyone passing by. Luckily there is something about stair cases that inherantly frightens people so they probably won't check out the source of the squealing.

Around the block. Leaving the building can be a good idea, but if its during work hours you probably don't have time to rush to your place, or a hotel, so some creativity is needed. Hop in cab and have him drive around the neighborhood for a while. Course you'll need an open minded cabbie, but here in NYC as long as you throw some money at the situation homey will put on some romantic music if ya like. If one of you has a car, doing the deed in there is an excellent spot. If it's a company parking lot however, you could find yourself with a familiar audience. Also a cozy non trafficked spot up against the building is great for a nice quickie. Preferrably under the shade of some tree, this blocks out those that maybe scouting the area with some binoculars. When I worked nights at this one place, this girl used to entice me into the alley between our building and the next. More of that barbarian lovin, but goddamn fiery.

Bathrooms. Last resort spot. Honestly, unless you are in a bar, bathroom fucking should be avoided. If your partner has their own private bathroom, then maybe. But if that's the case, they probably have their own private office. I ain't into scat or water sports, and if your intended is getting off on bathroom bumpin, then that could be a decent signal that they may want a particular kind of kink that curls my nose. But hey, if you both like that germanic style fuckie, then bombs away.

Elevators. This can be fun. I'm slightly claustrophobic, and for whatever reason, it adds a level to the sex which is highly enjoyable. This is a drastic move, and should be noted that you will probably get caught. I personally had one of the most enjoyable blow jobs ever in a lift. We had pulled the emergency stop switch. Man she really knew how to maneuver my dick in her mouth. Unfortunately, maintenance got the elevator going again just as I was about to pop. It was fairly obvious to all witnesses as we sauntered out what was going on. I don't think it helped that we reeked of body juice, my pants were barely secured, and her face was a little moist. Luckily, I didn't actually work in the building, but she did. She "quit" soon after that.

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